Joe Sena

Joe Sena has been playing music in the Albuquerque area for the past 30 years. Joe originally came from the small town of Portales New Mexico. Joe Has been a rocker and has  played in numerous Rock and metal bands over the years, WoodHead, Killingracy, Jessica's Reign and played in a couple rock bands in  Portales as well, Infiltrator and Resistance. Joe's love of music brought him to play in his first variety band Jagg and this is where he learned and fell in love with playing variety music. with his departure from Jagg, joe sat down and really began working his craft of guitar playing variety learning the styles of New Mexican Music, Country, Disco, Funk, R&B. Playing with the band Luna Upfront Joe was able to hone his skills in music and recording, and video production. Recording Luna Upfront first mini hit Esperando that went to number one on KNMX and was on the top ten for three months. while Joe played with Luna Upfront he got the chance to play bass for Michael Rascon Shape Shifter, and then moved to guitar with the departure of Isaac Duran.

Joe played with Michael for over a year and still does side gigs when available. 

Joe finally got one of his bucket list completed when he stared his own band, Second  2 Last. 

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